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recent projectsTrinity scarf

My deflected double weave scarf on the loom/ How I cut it off and get it ready to retie on to the beam
Winding Roads Art Tour
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2nd Monday at Barb’s
Last Monday was our 2nd Monday weavers gathering and it was a perfect day for a fall drive to our friend Barb B's house. Â As always Barb and her home both are so inviting. Â How [...]
of labyrinth’s and cyanotypes
This month's 2nd Monday gathering was in town at Judiths's home. Â We had a lovely afternoon in her gardens and even walked a labyrinth of twigs built by her neighbor modeled after the labyrinth at [...]
summer shenanigans
Sadly I missed our August weavers gathering at my friend Nan's lovely home. I heard that it was a large and merry group, and that her risotto was excellent. Ann fortunately sent me a few [...]