A fairly large group of us spent a lovely morning at Anne Marie’s peaceful farm. She is probably only a few miles from me as the crow flies but with the hills and coulee’s it was a considerably longer drive. I’m always amazed that she manages to get down from that ridge in the winter.
Several of our group had stories of their recent travels. Barb B had a trip to the Shetland Isles and I’m pretty sure that she took advantage of all things fiber. She had a whole lap full of knitting to share with us. Pretty prolific if you ask me. My only accomplishment in the knitting category was finishing my daughters log cabin blanket dubbed the “covid” blanket cause that is how long it took me to knit it.
Barb M is just back from Italy and had great stories of watching a horse race through the town square in Sienna, that they were lucky enough to see.
My friend and neighbor Maureen took her first project off her new “used” Glimakra ideal. It is a beautiful baby blanket for her newest grand baby. This was an impressive project for a new weaver and I’m really proud of her. I have the same loom and it is giving me fits trying to get the treadles tied right so the the shed is not quite so katywampus.
I have yet to weave anything since my push for the Winding Roads Art Tour. Mostly I’ve been catching up on weeding and then there is my new pickleball addiction. Life is good and much less stressful now that I have a summer of freedom instead of being tied to the loom because for the first time in 15 years or so I will not be in the Driftless Area Art Fair. I will miss all of the great friends and customers of years past but I will just go hang out with Nan in her booth. I do vow to have something new woven before the next weavers gathering. Two empty looms just feels wrong. I want to try ice dying a tercel warp and see what that is like.. there is always something new to try.
I’m trying to fix a rep weave towel warp that I put on my sectional beam and one half of it did some kind of weird flipping thing and is a tangled mess. I’m going to try to weave one more towel off it and if that doesn’t work I may have to do a Barb and take the scissors to it.

A very well behaved Ava checks out our lunch, and some of Will’s pottery

Some of Barb B’s many knitting projects finished this year

ladies who lunch

Maureens finished baby blanket. I can finally show it now that she has gifted it to her newest grand daughter.

Maureens’s blanket in progress. See more pics of Maureen’s studio in my previous blog post https://www.kindredthreads.com/a-perfect-summer-weavers-gathering/

Susan’s japanese totes and the little folded paper that helped us see how it magically comes together

Barb M’s brochure on the horse race in Sienna Italy. And Judith’s newest quilt project in the planning phase. Also a book that she wrote and illustrated many years ago. She currently has a show up at our local Viroqua Food Coop showing 3 generations of artworks in her family which includes her father and daughter. Also some pottery created by Anne Marie’s talented husband Will

Elin’s blue twill scarf and Kathy’s cowl

My newest sketch in my journal. I do love peonies.
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