Well it has been a hot minute since I last posted about our monthly 2nd Monday weavers gatherings. Our last get together in person was a lovely and surprisingly warm day in November at Kathy’s lovely home in the valley. We thought we would have to gather outside around a fire but didn’t need that as it was surprisingly warm.
We could have used that fire last Monday when a few hardy souls got together in our town park to come out of our winter/covid hibernation to see real people and admire textiles via touch instead of via a computer screen which is how we have been meeting all winter. I spent the weekend getting new scarves off the loom so I was very motivated to get together despite temps in the upper 40’s…pretending it was 50 degrees.
Most of us having received at least one dose of vaccine ( perks of old age) are anxious to dip our toes into a more normal life. I thought the first outward social feelers would feel strange after spending so long hiding away from people but maybe because it was with people I have so much in common with, it was just what my soul needed. The real test will be walking into a bookstore or Target or dining inside at a restaurant or any of the other many “normal life” things that I haven’t done in over a year. I am maybe fortunate in that I am not a very social person and don’t usually need a lot of people contact, until you realize how different it is when it is no longer your choice to make.
We are a ways away from being out of the woods with this disease but along with the hope that spring brings comes the realization that, however long it takes we are on the downside of that terrible graph we are always seeing every time I look at the news. That does not diminish the pain of those who still suffer in isolation and the hundreds of thousands that have died from this pandemic in the US. My heart goes out to them and to the world that will be a different place, and hopefully a kinder place, once this year of isolation and fear of the unseen is over. It is time for me to be outside and admiring natures emerging spring flowers and returning to a more creative life as we all wait for our world to find its balance again. As I sign most of my emails and letters…stay safe…stay healthy.

While it was a small group there were some wonderful projects to see. These are Judith’s color filled potholders and spring flowers in her art journal. And Carole’s colorful wool rugs are beautiful

I shouldn’t stop taking pictures of Carole’s very painterly wool rugs.

just one more pic

my rayon chenille rosepath scarf

finally got this last rug off of my Glimakra Ideal

2 scarves in rosepath on a bamboo warp. One is rayon chenille and the other is cotton/linen and bamboo

Janet’s sweet blue baby blanket and pretty incredible, finely woven scarf, plus my favorite thing…a table full of textiles.

some pictures shared via email and some really blurry screenshots during our winter zoom meetings. Clockwise from top. Judith’s doll, Judith is on a potholder roll, Bonnies’s rug, Olga’s Slovenian willow, Elin’s wall hanging (really pretty but you will have to take my word for it), Barb B’s knitted badger, Susan’s flower weave, Elin’s rug, and Barb B’s turkish spindle spinning.

I’ve spent more time making jewelry this winter than weaving. This is the torch work area of my studio where I’m getting back into making glass beads. Fun; with just enough scare factor to keep me on my toes.
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