gathering in the new year
The new year brought our 2nd Monday gathering to fellow weaver Kathy's house. It was doubly wonderful to be here after missing last months gathering due to this bloody winter weather. Sorry, it seems I have been feeling a bit cooped up lately and judging from the large turnout I wasn't the only one.As usual food and fiber are in [...]
frosty morn
The new year starts out with a quiet beauty. My morning walk was a chilly 16 degrees below zero. Makes me thankful for my healthy family and warm home; all still peacefully sleeping when I return.
Christmas blessings
From Kindred ThreadsFrom Kindred ThreadsFrom Kindred ThreadsFrom Kindred ThreadsFrom Kindred ThreadsFrom Kindred ThreadsMy family has shared a peaceful, beautiful; snowed and iced in Christmas. Two family gatherings have been postponed until this weekend, when hopefully our driveway will not be shear ice. No worries about having a white christmas!I hope that all of you have shared the holidays surrounded by [...]
Winter wonders
snow ribbonOur snow puppy seems to be enjoying her first winter. She usually comes in looking like a snowball on legs.
Back to glass
Dichroic glass beautiful, magical, unpredictable and a little addictive. While taking a break from weaving I thought that I would go back to my stained glass beginnings and make some fused glass jewelry for the gallery. Should be a good time of the year for some jewelry sales. And since I actually sold a couple of pieces before they made [...]
Rainy day color
Nothing like a little color on a rainy November day.