Do you moo?
These sweet little cards, that I use for hang tags are from a company called moo. I was quite excited when I opened my little moo box and saw my little , dare I say, masterpieces laid out in all their glory on these little cards. I felt briefly famous and sort of published. Anyways, I am not the only [...]
Color my world with fiber
In honor of the days getting longer, I have decided to take matters into my own hands and inject a little color into my life. Weaving these color gamp towels has helped me fight the February doldrums before; and once they are done their "in your face" cheerfulness, just makes me smile. My wish is that you too find some [...]
My black and white world
Seems like everything has gone into a waiting phase. Waiting for color, and warmth and the smell of dirt from the first rain. This black and white winter world has its own peaceful beauty but I am becoming impatient for a change. The trials of country living and having a very steep driveway have made this winter doubly challenging. Especially [...]
New work….finally
My favorite rag balls. They are silk and the most incredible color. I am saving these for just the right project.Sweet vintage fabrics used in the last rug of the three. Fun to think of the childrens dresses or shirts that these are from, and the weaver who painstakingly prepared the rags into these balls. So not my favorite part, [...]
Wild Color
These are the beautiful results we achieved with our assorted natural dyestuff on silk scarves. The second picture has silk samples using (bottom left, clockwise): rose petal, red beet, and tansy/ willow/ elderberries/ red cabbage/ yellow onions/ sumac/ and cranberries.The gray/ black scarf was dyed with willow leaves and cooper wire. The lines are where the wire was wrapped around [...]
Natural Dyeing
We had the good fortune of having Michelle Workowski of the Nature of Things, do a natural dye class at Kindred Threads during the Driftless Studio Tour in November. The surprise element of natural dyeing is half the fun, the results are pretty unpredictable.We used damp silk scarves and laid out an assortment to natural dyestuff. Everything from onion skins, [...]