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Studio Member: Barb… ie: “fearless weaver”

Monks Belt pillows from handwoven magazineBarb and Carole in full ninja dyeing gear.These placemats (above) are one of the last projects off Barbs loom and the cottolin towels, (below) are one of her first projects.Introducing Barb, one of our 6 studio members. She has been a great friend and supporter of my former yarn shop and has now turned herself [...]

By |May 7th, 2008|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments

New items in the etsy shop

A little about etsy.comI have recently had the pleasure of joining this group of artisans, that are pulled together by etsy into a wonderfully varied and artfully displayed internet art and craft gallery, shopping and selling, experience. It is a great community of support, with many learning experiences available in everything from marketing, to photography to pricing and the list [...]

By |April 27th, 2008|Categories: Handspun|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Photos from Flickr

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