goodbye summer gathering
Our September weavers gathering was a hot sunny day at Anne Marie's country home. It is fun to travel these winding roads and see the homesteads tucked back into the hills where gardens are bountiful, children are raised and life just happens. After driving these back roads not so far from my own house I am not sure how Anne [...]
The Driftless Area Art Festival come hell or high water
This years Driftless Area Art Festival happened despite the devastation that took place 2 weeks earlier from extensive flooding in our driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin. Thanks to the diligent work of the organizers and many volunteers the fair was relocated from the park in Soldiers Grove to the Crawford County Fairgrounds in Gays Mills. This venue made for a [...]
gathering in LaCrosse
This months weavers gathering was hosted by Janet and Tony at their condo in LaCrosse right across from a lovely garden and the Mississippi River. It didn't take us long to take over the community room tables with piles of handwovens and yarny goodness. Lots of great food, as always but I especially loved the cherry pie Tony had baked [...]
summertime gathering at Kathleen’s
Having missed the last two months of our weavers group I was so happy to spend a day at Kathleen's on a perfect July summer day. As always a pending weavers gathering will find me weaving like a crazy person to get a project off the loom for our show and tell. An even crazier me decided (although I should [...]
The wool fumes are strong there
I have been looking forward to sharing a few (maybe more than a few) of my favorite pictures from a trip my husband and youngest daughter and I took to Scotland and Ireland in May. It is hard to describe why I felt so connected to the beauty of these countries, especially the highlands of Scotland. How can you not [...]
2nd Monday gathering at Barb’s
With 2 significant snowstorms in April totaling more than we had received any other month this winter, our weaving group was thrilled to pile into Barb and Harry's warm and welcoming home. By the time Judith and I arrived the dining room table was well covered with handwoven goodies for show and tell. My contribution this month was a hucklace [...]