Our 2nd Monday weavers gathering had a perfect fall day in the perfect location at Elin and Bob’s beautiful ridgetop farm. We enjoyed what will probably be our final time to enjoy sitting outside; drinking coffee, along with lots of political discussion and there is always some fun show and tell. I was happy to see that Janet tried a mosaic scarf in deflected double weave and I was also excited to show off my deflected double weave Trinity scarf. Probably one of my favorite weaves ever. Looking forward to tying another warp on with some different colors.
Elin’s studio is always drool worthy to see; she must be so inspired to have such a wonderful work space. Serious studio envy here.
It was so good to get together with friends and share the many things we have in common and just reconnect after missing our September gathering. I’m already looking forward to next month and will hopefully have some new weavings for sharing, although taking a weaving break after the Driftless Art Fair is a good thing.
I have had more time to reconnect with my sketchbook and am having fun drawing the things I pick up on my walks. Lara Gastinger and her perpetual journals have been such an inspiration and I love looking at her Instagram pictures and watching her live demonstrations on Monday morning. Lots to aspire to!

I feel like a squirrel, gathering all the bits and pieces to draw later.

Hard to not enjoy a day so lovely. Didn’t even mind the kamikaze box elder bugs.

studio pics

My Trinity deflected doubleweave scarf

Some of Elin’s scarf inventory

Elin’s outdoor dye studio and a recent warp that she bought from Sweden I think

Janet’s deflected double weave mosaic scarf, Elin’s naturally dyed yarns and weaving, my show and tell and Kathy’s lovely wall hanging.

a studio to inspire

She is lucky to have lots of display areas for people that visit her studio.
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