gathering at Anne Marie’s
Since I was in crazy weaving production mode due to the upcoming Driftless Area Art Festival I almost didn't attend our monthly weavers gathering at Anne Marie's house. I'm sure glad that I went, it [...]
2nd Monday at my house
One more step to normalcy was hosting this months weavers group and it was such a beautiful day, made more so by sharing it with such talented and inspirational women. Another plus was that this [...]
2nd Monday weavers gathering…for real
Well we waited a long time, but our May, 2nd Monday weavers gathering was in person, outside on a lovely spring day, maskless and joyful; at Elin and Bob's lovely country farmhouse. We are kicking [...]
and then there was covid
Well it has been a hot minute since I last posted about our monthly 2nd Monday weavers gatherings. Our last get together in person was a lovely and surprisingly warm day in November at Kathy's [...]
Making Connections
At the beginning of each year, VIVA Gallery takes a month to celebrate the talents of its members with a themed show, and this January our member show is called Connections. Members are encouraged to [...]
I probably should be cooking something…
So this is the day before Thanksgiving and I find myself procrastinating ( a speciality of mine) and instead of baking pies, or whatever, will show you our November gathering of fiber friends at Kathy's [...]
Octobers 2nd Monday gathering
Our 2nd Monday in October weavers had a lovely and brisk gathering surrounded by beautiful fall colors at our local park. As I am writing this we have just had our first snowfall of the [...]
Septembers gathering
The last farmers market flowers. Our fiber group shared a lovely day at Eckhardt Park for our 2nd Monday weavers gathering in September. Although it is hard to say what the colder [...]
August gathering at the park
For it being a such a crazy time, where the crazies are seemingly without end, it is surprising how fast the summer is actually disappearing. With another shooting in Wisconsin of an unarmed black man [...]
our July fiber gathering
Last months fiber gathering was a lovely day spent in the shade of a few huge trees in Rachel's front yard. Elin's granddaughter made good use of the trees for climbing. It was fun to [...]