Our last weavers gathering was a summertime treat; flowerbeds filled with poppies, coneflower and general splendor, a view that makes me thankful to live in this beautiful driftless region and the graceful hospitality of Olga and Gorden’s simple and beautiful home. I can picture this fairy tale setting filled with the laughter of children running through fields and climbing the magical willow. I am betting their children now long grown, have fond memories of this little piece of heaven.
Elin introduced us to a new fiber friend, Joan who is moving here from Duluth. Good thing it was a smaller group so that we didn’t overwhelm her with our general fiber mayhem. I look forward to hearing more about her fiber adventures and how she found her way to moving to Viroqua. She shared with us a quilt she had dyed the fabric for.
Thanks Olga and Gorden for sharing your little slice of heaven with us for an afternoon.

a little bit of heaven

flowers galore

my favorite inanimate objects

mu overshot table runners/ Elins’s scarves/ Joan’s hand dyed quilt/ Weaving by Susan Johnson added to a pillow by Olga

still lifes

waiting for a tea party

enjoying the company

new poncho by Denise and Elin looking regal with her rug

good eats!

woodworking by Gordon/ Denise/ Olga and Anne Marie

good place to be a bee

waiting to be a painting
Beautiful pictures Angie!