A few of our weavers had the pleasure of attending the open house of a new fiber mill in LaFarge Wi, called Ewetopia Fiber Mill. Kathryn and Lisa who own the incredible Ewetopia fiber shop in my hometown of Viroqua have added a new fibery adventure to their repertoire. What an incredible renewal of a glorious old building, I am sure the little town of LaFarge is thrilled. I brought a couple of fleeces I had picked up at a fiber auction at the WI Sheep and Wool festival and in a very short time they have been turned into the most lovely fingering weight 2 ply yarn. Now to decide what they want to be and maybe scrounge up some more fleece to be taken in. Wishing Kathryn and Lisa all good luck in their newest venture!

Ewetopia Fiber Mill

Lots of machines to keep track of

babes and lambs
Thanks for the tour Icould not attend. Great photos and recommendations.