This months, oops I mean July’s weavers gathering was a lovely drive down to Wauzeka to visit with Barb B. and of course her very photogenic llama Gandolf. We saw lots of high water and signs of flooding along the way and the Wisconsin River seemed incredibly high. But a car full of weavers driving to meet with other car loads of weavers always makes for a light hearted and time flying driving experience.
I was fun to include three new to us weavers from LaCrosse , Cathy and Mary and Cathy’s mom from the east coast. ( I really have to start doing these blog posts right after our meeting, or take notes because my memory has forgotten Cathy’s mom’s name and what state she is from). And of course the weave structures of some of the wonderful projects they brought to share with us. Cathy is fresh to the weaving world and recently came back from Vavstuga in Massachusetts where she took a class with her mom. It sounds like Mary is a fan of the classes offered by Becky at Vavstuga also. Perhaps a trip to Massachusetts is in my future too.
The really fun thing is that when Cathy and Mary came to my house for the Winding Roads Studio Tour in May, I on a whim put a little note card up about selling my 54″ Glimakra because she had been in storage ever since I closed my studio space in town and brought all of my loom babies home. There is only so many rooms in my home that I can fill with looms and not have a disgruntled hubby. Cathy has been looking for just such a loom and “wham bam” she has found a new home, is now named Gracie and is back in production with an 8 shaft 2 color weave that looks like a pinwheel twill from the picture she sent. She is starting out with the same mindset that I had when I first decided to be a weaver; buy the biggest, best loom you could afford and just do it. None of this rigid heddle loom trial to see if you like weaving. Not that that is bad way for most people to start, just not how I think and apparently Cathy too. I guess I like the validation of there being equally crazy people in the world.
I hope to get many more updates on what Cathy and Gracie are up to next.
So yeah for new weavers and for Barb B. hosting a wonderful fibery gathering, for Gandolf the kissing llama and the wonderful comradery of a group of creative women. And the Moroccan Roasted Carrot, Arugula and Wild Rice Salad (from Love Real Food cookbook) that Barb served was pretty swoon worthy too.
Janet was brave enough to try a bead leno scarf and it turned out so lovely. I forgot to ask her if she would ever do another? I am far enough away from having done mine to think I would like to do a shawl or lacy curtain sized version. I meant to bring my black bead leno scarf to show and forgot so will include a picture here. I don’t really want to sell this one but the The Driftless Area Art Festival is fast approaching and I as usual am way behind in inventory building. Woe is me….not really, I’ve gotten much more “it will be what it will be” in the last few years. That’s not to say there won’t be many 12 hour days of weaving in my future. I’m going with what my wise daughter said..”It’s quality over quantity mom.” She’s no doubt hoping for a scarf.

An incredible tablecloth woven by Mary at Vavstuga. Jämtlandsdrall (crackle),warp and ground weft was 24/2 cotton, pattern weft was 16/2 linen. Cathy’s table square underneath is a Block Damask in 8 shaft broken twill.

Barb M’s fibery treasures from her trip to Peru and her incredible cat mittens that are to be auctioned off at the library’s fiber fair

My bead leno scarf a variegated sock yarn combined with tencel, cotton and bamboo

Cathy getting kisses from Gandolf

Cathy’s class projects from Vavstuga. The table square is a Block Damask in 8 shaft broken twill. It was made with 16/2 line linen

Jan’s bead leno scarf

Nan looking cute in my recently finished shifty cowl by Andrea Mowry with spincycle yarns and Judith knitting away on some stash buster socks.

Cathy weaving on her new loom

Barbs well loved sheep
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