As usual our 2nd Monday gathering was a mixture of fiber , good food, laughter and world problem solving. It was great to see Joanne; and her yummy rhubarb bars almost didn’t last long enough for a picture.

Kathy of Riverweave Studio, brought in one of her cat friends. More can be found at her shop on etsy. I love the funky handwoven leggings.

Evan joined us for the first time and I hope returns when things aren’t quite so wild. I think she has lots of weaving experiences to share and wowed us with some samples of her work. She had done this color gamp in school and the book of samples is an incredible showcase of her grandmothers work. I hope to live long enough to explore weaving in such a thorough and scholarly way. Of course so far sampling doesn’t seem to be my strong point.

Barb spent the day wowing us with her many finished projects, a sweet pink knitted baby sweater, another purse ala Donatella and the lovely rich brown fabric, below, woven with Bambu 12 and a variegated brown cotton from Blue Heron yarns. The pattern is a simple and elegant pattern named Jean Lilly from The Handweavers Pattern Book by Marguerite Davison. She will be making pillows and of course gifting them to her kids. Lucky kids. Barb was productive in that while we were all gabbing away she was handpainting some wool and cotton yarns. I don’t know how she could focus with all the distractions going on.
The coned yarns in the background are some bamboo’s and linen, that are sitting on the table until I am inspired by which color combo I need for my next scarf project. Sometimes I get stuck in this pondering mode for too long. Barb is a good example of “just get it on the loom and start weaving the bloody thing” school of thought.

Joanne showed off two lovely wool rugs. She has managed to do doubleweave on only 2 harnesses. The extra shed is made because half of the warp is not threaded through any heddles.
Her rug, pictured above; virtually blooms with rya knot wool flowers. During our get together she was working on needle felting flowers onto a beautiful green wool for a future purse; a woman of many talents. Go to Joanne’s blog for a glimpse into her weaving world. Maybe we will get her to share her pizza dough recipe with us.
Linda Kennedy of Elk Run Handwovens and Joyce Kruger of Sunset Hill Studio, also joined us. Linda may give us a class in weaving a diamond rag rug. The pictures I have taken of her rugs are some of the most viewed photos on my Flickr site.
Jan showed off her impressive hanky collection and when I commented on cutting them up for rag weaving, vowed to not leave them here in the studio.
Susan as always brightened my day, both with her wry humor and her inspirational “flowery may” transparency weavings. None of my pictures turned out, because I had forgotten my camera and was reduced to using my phone to take pictures. Which is why a good many of them have my finger in the shot. I never did figure out where the camera lens was. Also, it is a minor miracle that I got them sucked out of the phone onto my laptop. Thank you to my daughter for figuring out that the bluetooth thing really does work.
Nan popped in briefly and showed off some intriguing multi-directional knitting. I would like to see a demonstration of this technique. Michelle was working on a couple of pairs of jeans and adding lots of incredible embroidery embellishments to them.
Susan’s rya paper flowers are like a soft summer breeze and just made me happy to see them. Much like the feeling I get from seeing real flowers, there is something just so right about them. Go to Avalanche Looms on etsy to see if you feel the same way about them.
It was amazing the diversity of talents that we put on display that day. All tied together by a love of the fiber arts.
All in all a very fun and inspirational day. It was good to be a weaver among weavers!
My first time at 2nd Monday and I left with great admiration for and inspiration from all the fiber arts women!! The colors, the variety of art work, and your space was an art expression itself. By the way, the flowers on the rug are rya knot and woven directly in as one weaves the rug. I think appliquing them would have been very difficult. Thanks for hosting, what a great day.
Sounds like there was a great time to be had! I do that pondering thing too. It drives my teachers insane. Myself, too!
Angie, it was a pretty stimulating get together for all of us reclusive country sorts. One question: Rhubarb bars? Were there rhubarb bars?