Our studio was filled with laughter and productive fun Saturday while we were taught the fine art of broom making by Ken Workowski of The Nature Of Things. With his gentle guidance, Carole, Phyllis, Carol and I were delighted with the brooms that we created. Each one with its own personality, we definitely brought out our inner witches. Guess I should speak for myself; but I did get catch Phyllis climbing on hers. I am sure my lovely broom will inspire new levels of domestic goddessness.

During our 2nd Monday gathering at the shop we were joined by Joyce Kruger and Susan Johnson of Avalanch Looms
Susan brought these sweet baby rattles that she had just finished, looks like they are after our scones, bad birdies…

This fabric, that Susan has woven with cotton, linen and silk rags is soft and springlike and I cringed when Susan said that she plans to cut it for one of her cat dolls. Guess I’m not there yet but as always we love to see what she is up to next.

Barb is the first of us to try the bag that is one long strip woven and then sown together into a bag. I first saw this idea on Doni’s Delis blog as a mini tutorial. Great idea that I can’t wait to try. I am planning a shadow weave and can’t wait to start but got side tracked today into replacing the 12″ heddles on my Glimakra Ideal with the 11″ heddles that Joanne Hall recommended. Hopefully that change will make this loom even nicer to weave on.
Wow, it looks like you’ve had a great week! Those brooms are so cool. With my hardwood floors now, I feel like I really need a good broom. Maybe in the antique shop?
These brooms look so wonderful! But what are the “hairs” made of, it looks like some kind of plant or straw? I have to admit that I am a complete ignorant in the art of broom making…
Charlotte, the material we used is called broomcorn and is a sorghum plant that is grown and cultivated like ordinary field corn. This class was so fun I may try growing some. Angie
Angie, I just now learned how to comment on Blogs, providing that knowledge carries over to this try! I follow your blog weekly and always look forward to new postings. It is really beautiful.