20 03, 2018

sheep shearing at Rachel’s

By |2018-03-20T21:44:36+00:00March 20th, 2018|2nd Monday, Fiber, Sheep|0 Comments

Rachel invited our fiber group to meet at her family's house to watch her small flock of sheep be sheared.  Some of use couldn't resist getting our fingers right into that beautiful wool.  I am sure there is a lot of joy in raising their children with the experience of caring for the cattle, sheep [...]

25 02, 2018

winter gathering at Bonnie’s

By |2018-02-25T19:06:22+00:00February 25th, 2018|2nd Monday, Handwoven, Photography|1 Comment

Our weavers meeting this month was at Bonnie's house with the enticing invite to see her winter lambs.  It was great to see Bonnie again and share her hospitality and I never pass up a chance to see babies of any kind. Check out Pine Knob Organics on instagram for some truly inspired photography of the [...]

19 07, 2017

in a poppy field

By |2017-07-19T00:14:29+00:00July 19th, 2017|2nd Monday|1 Comment

Our last weavers gathering was a summertime treat; flowerbeds filled with poppies, coneflower  and general splendor, a view that makes me thankful to live in this beautiful driftless region and the graceful hospitality of Olga and Gorden's simple and beautiful home. I can picture this  fairy tale setting filled with the laughter of children running [...]

26 04, 2017

spring weavers gathering

By |2017-04-26T22:05:55+00:00April 26th, 2017|2nd Monday, Creative, Hand dyed|1 Comment

Our April weavers gathering met at Denise's sweet brick farmhouse in Gays Mills. With the sounds of  geese honking and the rush of the Kickapoo River nearby, spring's abundance was everywhere. As a spring celebration we came bearing eggs to learn how to dye them with pieces of silk fabric.  Denise showed us how to [...]

21 12, 2016

Mothers work

By |2016-12-21T20:27:51+00:00December 21st, 2016|2nd Monday, Everday Life, Family|2 Comments

Our December weavers gathering at friend Sonya and Cecil's was a riotous, joyful, pre holiday laughter filled delight.  While we always find inspiration in the sharing of our fiber creations, this meeting was especially meaningful in that Sonya had requested  that we bring something that our mothers had created.  Of course I  totally spaced it [...]

Photos from Flickr

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