8 10, 2014

Driftless Area Art Fair

By |2016-10-25T16:52:16+00:00October 8th, 2014|Uncategorized|1 Comment

This year's fair was a whirlwind of...well...wind, lots of great music, food and the best part, great people. Both friends, returning customers and fellow artists whose works never fail to inspire. It's probably good that I didn't have much time to walk around, at least from my pocketbooks standpoint.  My boothAlpaca, wool, cashmere cowlPeople watching [...]

3 08, 2014

porch time at Barb’s

By |2016-10-25T16:52:16+00:00August 3rd, 2014|2nd Monday|2 Comments

It wouldn't be summer, without a lazy day, sitting on the porch at Barb and Harry's home; which is exactly what our weavers group did for our 2nd Monday gathering. Lots of projects to share, laughter and of course great food. Barb is as inspired of a cook as she is a weaver. I'm still [...]

18 04, 2014


By |2016-10-25T16:52:17+00:00April 18th, 2014|Handspun|0 Comments

The weavers group gathered at my house this month.  I generally don't have the group at my house in the winter because my driveway can be a snowy icy white knuckle adventure.  So mid April should be good, right?  Well when I woke up to 4 inches of fresh new snow I pretty much just [...]

19 11, 2013

2nd Monday at Denises’

By |2016-10-25T16:52:20+00:00November 19th, 2013|2nd Monday, Hand dyed|2 Comments

So, with our first snowfall of the season a large group of fellow weavers journeyed to  Denise's newly purchased home, for our 2nd Monday gathering.  It was fun to welcome a few new faces and with many faces we don't see all that often; Denises' house was bursting at the seams with fiber conversations here, [...]

28 09, 2013

the scarves of summer

By |2016-10-25T16:52:21+00:00September 28th, 2013|Handwoven|5 Comments

Now that my September fairs are over I am finding the time for life's other pleasures, namely blogging, playing with my photos and in general, still ignoring the weeds in my flower beds and the spider webs that pop up every where this time of year. Time to enjoy the crisp air and the sweet [...]

21 04, 2013

2nd Monday at Elin’s

By |2016-10-25T16:52:21+00:00April 21st, 2013|2nd Monday, Photography|2 Comments

 Can't believe it is mid April as I look out the window and see it snowing as if it could be January.  It's a good thing that there are days, like our 2nd Monday weavers gathering that help maintain a sense of joy and dare I say; sanity. This month Elin and Bob showed off the [...]

3 10, 2012

the scarves of summer

By |2016-10-25T16:52:23+00:00October 3rd, 2012|Handwoven|6 Comments

my treasurebamboo spaced warp scarvesmy favoritemixed warp scarf with bamboo weft/ M's and O's bamboo scarfrayon chenille with bamboo weft and  rosepath inlayRayon chenille shawl with bamboo weft and rosepath inlay I am recovered enough from my marathon weaving to feel a little sorry for my empty looms.  I probably won't remedy it tomorrow though; because [...]

4 12, 2011

catching up

By |2016-10-25T16:52:25+00:00December 4th, 2011|Handwoven|4 Comments

It is finally time to post some of the weaving I did in preparation for the Driftless art fair in September.  That so traumatized me that I have only just now put something new on my loom and I am not all that happy about it.  Seems that I want to weave only something that [...]

Photos from Flickr

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