With Thanksgiving this weekend and our fiber gathering mid November, I have many things in my life to be thankful for. Our family gathering was very meaningful this year, partly because it has been the first since covid and mostly because my sister was there to enjoy it with us. She has been fighting the lasting effects of Influenza and the damage it has caused her lungs since being hospitalized in May. She has fought hard to be here and her and her husband are my heroes for everything they have endured together. Such a reminder of how fragile our lives are and how important it is not to take it for granted. I will be getting flu shots from now on.
Sharing laughter and inspiration with our November weavers gathering is always big on my things to be thankful for list. This month was hosted by Barb and Dave in their home near the Wisconsin river. The drive through our lovely hills and along the river was a joy in itself. We saws tundra swans enjoying a brief stop over in some of the back waters. I will have to take a drive up the Mississippi River soon to see them gathered together before their long flight south. There is something to be learned there.
My girls were home for our Thanksgiving pumpkin bowling right of passage. We have a long steep driveway that makes for lots of cheering if your pumpkin makes it to the bottom and around the bend. This year the dogs were pretty determined not to let anything get past them. Also this year we had an added element of pumpkin decapitation in that my husband gifted the girls a couple of swords passed down from his family. My husband is a seventh degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and has more twirly weapons than seems entirely necessary. Last year they had throwing knives that they threw at their old playhouse, this year swords…I can hardly wait to see what he pulls out of his man cave next year. We do have a piano that we have been trying to give away for years. I have a vision of that flying down the driveway with all of us cheering it on. I’m thinking we have a non traditional idea of fun. Hold your families close; with all of their quirks included.

Judith shared her lovely quilt top with many fabrics that are meaningful to her past. Not sure what Denise is doing in the last pics, but theses ladies make me laugh

I have a love hate relationship with this towel. Everything that could go wrong did, in setting up the loom, so I feel lucky to have gotten one towel off. Somehow I lost the cross on the second half of the warp and everything has a twist coming up to the heddles. I haven’t done a “Barb” yet; and gotten the big scissors out. But I am close. It is now in a time out.

Barb’s tomato soup was great as was everyone’s contribution. Best of all the handwoven napkins.

Judith’s doll looking ready to boogie and Barbs hand spinning in progress

Judith’s scarf, denies cowl made with Noro yarns, Denise’s deflected double weave and Ann’s fall placemats.

pumpkin bowilng at it’s finest

dead eye Erinn
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