Food and fiber; always a great combo at our 2nd monday gathering of fiber fanatics. This lovely shawl is one of Barbs recent finished projects. Carole’s blueberry tarts were a rather elegant addition to a somewhat raucous group. Thanks also to Joanne for her yummy cheesecake

The top 2 pictures are just a couple of Barbs finished projects. We don’t even try to keep up with her productivity, we just shake our heads in amazement. Her beautiful hand dyed shawl and another strip purse ala Doni’s deli, I think that this makes 3 finished purses for her. The bottom two pictures are some of Elin’s naturally dyed yarns.

Linda Kennedy of Elk Run Handwovens has most generously invited us to her studio for our next gathering on July 20th. She wants to share with us what she has learned from a class she has taken at Sievers in diamond rag rugs. Her invitation comes at a good time, with the fate of our studio space up in the air. We are a few people short of being able to continue to pay the rent, so I have been hauling 5 years of accumulated fiber supplies and looms home the last few weeks. And wouldn’t you know it, just the very day that I take down the sign and the window boxes a business comes forward, wanting to share the space. So we will see. The good part being that I now know that I can fit my entire weaving studio scattered about the house without anyone having to sleep in the treehouse. Although there have been some definite rumblings. I have banished the dolls from the “playroom” turned weaving room. They were kind of creepy, just staring at me from the corner. And the dollhouse is down in Jim’s workshop “for repairs”. Below is a picture of my new digs. When I finish taking over the loft I will post more pictures.
As much as I hate to see Kindred Threads close, a studio at home is truly a blessing.
Your soon-to-be studio looks glorious, what with those vibrant colors and that wonderful window.
It looks to be a great 'working' space.
(I commented earlier in the day, but I see it wasn't posted? so I am trying again.)
I don't want to see it end– it's such a good place. Is there still a chance?