February 2014
gathering at Barb’s
Our monthly gathering of weavers and fiber lovers met at Barb's this month. I am posting this late enough, that I have forgotten who brought what and just know it was a joyful day with [...]
my black + white world
Alpaca/and handspun wool woven cowl on the loomiceResistance shawl that I knit for my daughter/ I'm hoping to borrow it...Sidie Hollowalpaca woven twill cowl with Jul closure
January 2014
2nd monday at Kathy’s
Happy to be out..happy to be out...happy. I think that was the general consensus when our group of weavers gathered at Kathy's house in LaCrosse. Nothing like a little cabin fever with too many days [...]
December 2013
2nd monday at Jean’s
Another rather large group gathered at Jean's house last Monday. These days of laughter and inspiration are so looked forward to by myself and I am sure all of us. With the days shortening and [...]
November 2013
2nd Monday at Denises’
So, with our first snowfall of the season a large group of fellow weavers journeyed to Denise's newly purchased home, for our 2nd Monday gathering. It was fun to welcome a few new faces and [...]