October 2012
harvest parade
darn, I should have danced with a tall headViroqua's harvest parade was another fun filled visual delight showing the history of Viroqua, from the mastodon and really cute neanderthals to the final float encouraging us [...]
new home..old friends
Quilts by Nancy Crow/almost makes me want to quiltNan's new house and a walk to her future weaving studioflowers from Carole's garden/ Elin's treasures for a future grandchild/ my earrings/ Nan's rugNan had our weavers [...]
the scarves of summer
my treasurebamboo spaced warp scarvesmy favoritemixed warp scarf with bamboo weft/ M's and O's bamboo scarfrayon chenille with bamboo weft and rosepath inlayRayon chenille shawl with bamboo weft and rosepath inlay I am recovered enough from [...]
September 2012
Driftless Area Art Festival
My boothThe best coffee in the world, locally roasted and boy did I need it Sat morningsome of my favorite artists including Ken and Michelle Workowski's booth" The Nature of Things"Linda Kennedy "Elk Run Handwovens [...]
you know you live in a small town when…
You know you live in a small town when the front page of your newspaper contains a story about a Sasquatch sighting and the weekly sheriffs report has 22 suspicious activities; including the unconfirmed Sasquatch [...]
green finger, blue toe
The last couple of weeks have been filled with color as I prepare for the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, as evidenced by my green finger, a blue big toe and briefly a blue dog. [...]