
June 2011

Day at Evan’s

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Evan most graciously hosted this month's weavers gathering, after a couple of us wished out loud that we could see her home. It was a visual feast reflecting the artistic vision of both her and [...]


Finally found time to work on my website , so I have been doing the code geek thing... constantly proving to myself how little I know.   Thank god for "learn by Goggle". I only [...]

May 2011

rainy day at Barbs

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Overshot by OlgaOur weavers group gathered last Monday at Barb's house, despite driving through torrential rains. Once again proving how much we really need this connection with our fellow weavers. New to the group is [...]


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Spring garage sales hit town last weekend; and while my real reason to go into town was to mail off a skein of yarn I had sold on etsy (yea!), I managed to hit a [...]

April 2011

Photos from Flickr

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