June 2020
gathering in a time of quarantine and protest
Like so many things, for the last couple of months our 2nd Monday weavers gathering has been on hold, with limited contact via email to see how everyone is dealing with this time of uncertainty, [...]
April 2020
missing my peeps
clouds are my happy place right now poem by Pablo Neruda Keeping Quiet Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still for once on the face of the earth, [...]
March 2020
weavers gathering at Jan’s
I find it hard to believe how much our world has changed in just over a week since our weavers group got together at Jan and Tony's new home. What I thought wouldn't affect our [...]
February 2020
a textile tour at Sonya’s
Sonya hosted our 2nd Monday fiber group this month and gave us a delightful tour of some of the Finnish textiles that she grew up with. Such exquisite linens, so expertly created gave me something [...]
January 2020
weaver’s gathering at Elin’s
Elin hosted our 2nd Monday weavers group on a wintry day in January. Her and Bob's farm is as beautiful in it's winter slumber as it is in the bloom of summer. Their farm with [...]
December meeting at the coop
Well December was here and gone in the blink of an eye and I better get this post in before our January meeting rolls around next Monday. Our 2nd Monday weavers group met at the [...]