It was fun to have our weavers group gather at my house on a lovely spring day. Once we got show and tell out of the way and stuffed ourselves with quiche and lots of great food we spent some time taking in the view from my deck. The eagles made an appearance in trees across the way. I’m not sure who was watching who. I am very fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful areas of the midwest.
I have been busy weaving for the Winding Roads Art Tour and the weeds are getting a little out of control. Now that the tour is over the battle of the weeds begins again. Nice to be outside fighting the good fight. But I’ve got to get something new on the loom to show off at the next weavers group. Now, that is motivation!


Susan’s salad with parts of a pine tree included, I have forgotten what they were called. It was good. Note to self. Do the blog post right after the meeting…

Susan’s crackle weave kitchen clothes wowed us all.

spring is distracting me from my weaving

Jan’s baby blanket/ Olga and Anne Marie/ Judith’s crackle weave fabric

A view of some of Susan’s crackle weave kitchen cloths

apple blossoms

new bamboo m’s and o’s scarves off the loom
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