This Novembers gathering of weavers was at my house in the hopes that I could host before the snow flies and getting up my driveway becomes a leap of faith. Other than a couple of panicked parking situations everyone made it up and we proceeded to have a fun and fibery gathering. Plus I always look forward to making my squash and pear soup to an appreciative group, since it is not my hubby’s favorite.
I got to show off my eagle pair that are nesting again this year within sight of our great room windows. We even had an eagle fly by at window level, as we were at the table eating lunch. My winter is measured in eagle time. Nest sprucing up in November and December, February or March they are sitting on the eggs and then sometime in April new little eaglets to watch for, until the trees start to leaf out and I can’t see much until the eaglet fledges. Yeah nature!
This group was large enough that I am sure I missed some of the show and tell. One highlight was Kathy’s newest woven top. After a lot of coaxing we managed to have her model it. Just lovely, and it always cracks me up, that most modeled items have everyone’s hands also in the picture cause we just gotta touch.
After seeing Jean working on her quilt I ran upstairs and brought down my one and only quilt, made when I was in my twenties, entirely sewn by hand. I left it out to show my girls and Rachel was inspired enough to think about doing a quilt of her own. Especially after I showed her the book The Quilts of Gees Bend.
I had intended to get a scarf started on one of my looms before the group got here, but the 12 yard 18/2 cotton warp was in time out after giving me fits, trying to wind it on. Turned out that was just the start of the problems. I forgot to write down an error in threading, when I wove this pattern this summer, and had to unweave and rethread those border sections. We’ll see if I remember to write it down this time. Good thing that I love playing with the color changes in this scarf now that I am finally able to get the weaving started.
Maybe that is one of the best things about weavers getting together; they understand the pain of your weaving errors cause they have probably had more that a few of their own.

Kathy modeling her newest handwoven jacket. She is getting all the feels and lots of admiration. Judith was pretty happy to see one of her paintings out in the world and well loved in its place of honor above our fireplace.

Judith’s Crackle weave scarf and Olga modeling it

Barb M’s knitted dolls and the haul Barb B brought back from the Rhinebeck sheep and wool festival in New York

Lots of sweet treats, beautiful wee hat model, Jean and her quilt and a knitted piece I believe modified by Olga

My eagle

Barb’s lovely Rhinebeck sweater and shawl

The warp from hell…before and after.
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